Johns Creek, Georgia Information & Statistics

Quick Facts

The 2018 population estimate for Johns Creek is 83,637, a change of 3.28% when compared to 2014. With an area of 31.34 square miles, this works out to a population density of 2,668.31 persons/mi2.
The number of households in 2018 were estimated to be 27,945, with an average household size of 2.99.
Johns Creek's 2018 unemployment rate was 5.04%.
The average household income in Johns Creek for 2018 was $145,355, while the median was $116,070.

Johns Creek Population Trends

Johns Creek Employment Type

Johns Creek Age Grouping

Johns Creek Ethnicity Mix

Johns Creek Fertility Rate

965 estimated births

Johns Creek Household Characteristics

Johns Creek Median Age over Time

Johns Creek Households with Children by Age

Johns Creek Median Household Income

Johns Creek Educational Attainment

Johns Creek Unemployment Rate

Type of Housing

Johns Creek Housing Values

Median mortgage payment for 2018: $2,162

Johns Creek Average Rent as Percentage of Gross Income

Median rent for 2018: $1,538

Johns Creek Average Commute

Johns Creek Primary Transportation

Johns Creek Gender Mix

Johns Creek Field of Employment

Johns Creek Population Data

Period Geography Population
2014 Johns Creek city, Georgia 80,979
2015 Johns Creek city, Georgia 82,203
2016 Johns Creek city, Georgia 82,930
2017 Johns Creek city, Georgia 83,397
2018 Johns Creek city, Georgia 83,637