Lexington-Fayette urban county, Kentucky Information & Statistics

Quick Facts

The 2018 population estimate for Lexington-Fayette urban county is 318,734, a change of 4.68% when compared to 2014. With an area of 285.54 square miles, this works out to a population density of 1,116.26 persons/mi2.
The number of households in 2018 were estimated to be 128,806, with an average household size of 2.38.
Lexington-Fayette urban county's 2018 unemployment rate was 5.43%.
The average household income in Lexington-Fayette urban county for 2018 was $79,535, while the median was $54,918.

Lexington-Fayette urban county Population Trends

Lexington-Fayette urban county Employment Type

Lexington-Fayette urban county Age Grouping

Lexington-Fayette urban county Ethnicity Mix

Lexington-Fayette urban county Fertility Rate

3,900 estimated births

Lexington-Fayette urban county Household Characteristics

Lexington-Fayette urban county Median Age over Time

Lexington-Fayette urban county Households with Children by Age

Lexington-Fayette urban county Median Household Income

Lexington-Fayette urban county Educational Attainment

Lexington-Fayette urban county Unemployment Rate

Type of Housing

Lexington-Fayette urban county Housing Values

Median mortgage payment for 2018: $1,321

Lexington-Fayette urban county Average Rent as Percentage of Gross Income

Median rent for 2018: $864

Lexington-Fayette urban county Average Commute

Lexington-Fayette urban county Primary Transportation

Lexington-Fayette urban county Gender Mix

Lexington-Fayette urban county Field of Employment

Lexington-Fayette urban county Population Data

Period Geography Population
2014 Lexington-Fayette urban county, Kentucky 304,473
2015 Lexington-Fayette urban county, Kentucky 308,306
2016 Lexington-Fayette urban county, Kentucky 311,529
2017 Lexington-Fayette urban county, Kentucky 315,109
2018 Lexington-Fayette urban county, Kentucky 318,734